The international technology company Infinix has announced the start of sales in Russia of its first gaming headset Infinix XBuds 3 GT. This device is equipped with adaptive LED backlighting with three modes, which is activated when opening the case lid, during charging and when the battery level is low. It is reported that the headphones provide minimal latency and high autonomy due to support for the modern Bluetooth 5.3 standard. The battery charge should be enough for 6 hours of listening to music, and with the help of a charging case this time can be increased to 28 hours.
According to the manufacturer, Infinix XBuds 3 GT provide surround and detailed sound with clear positioning. You can control the sound settings in the proprietary Welife application, where several presets are available. The application also allows you to customize the control of the headphones and activate the gaming mode to minimize latency. A system of four microphones with background noise suppression technology is designed to provide crystal clear communication in real time. The headphones are also protected from moisture according to the IPX4 standard for use during rain or sports.
Infinix XBuds 3 GT is already available in retail stores for 3999 rubles.