AMD has not announced the launch date of the Ryzen 9000 desktop processors based on the Zen 5 architecture. According to rumors, the chips are expected to be released on July 31. AMD itself only said that the processors would go on sale in July. Now there is confirmation of the imminent release: AMD has started sending out processor samples for reviews.
Information shared the author of the YouTube channel Bitwit, who received the flagship model Ryzen 9 9950X for testing. The blogger shared only a photo of the processor. He has not yet tested the chip.
According to an HXL source, another unnamed columnist received three of the four new Ryzen 9000 processors for testing at once.
AMD is accustomed to providing certain processor models to certain media outlets and bloggers. Most reviewers usually receive two models of chips for testing. However, major industry media outlets often find a way to obtain missing processor models. As for the unnamed reviewer above, he apparently did not receive the Ryzen 9 9950X model.
AMD may allow reviews of new processors to be published a day before their official launch. Although the company does not always follow this practice. The embargo limits may depend on the maturity of the AM5 platform, as well as on whether reviewers have received the final BIOS version for motherboards that support the new chips. If the final firmware versions have already been provided, then reviewers have a little more than two weeks to test the new processors.
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