Intel will soon expand its Raptor Lake processor lineup for the LGA1700 platform with a new chip. Today, a processor with the laconic name Intel 310 was spotted in the online Geeekbench test suite. This entry-level model will offer only two P-cores with Raptor Cove architecture and Hyper-Treading support.
The Intel 310 processor was tested on a Gigabyte H610M K DDR4 board with one 8-gigabyte DDR4-3200 bar. According to the benchmark readings, the new product received 6 MB of L3 cache and worked at a frequency of about 4.1 GHz. The TDP level is not specified, but most likely it is 46 W.
As for the test results, the new dual-core processor completed Geekbench 6 with 2152/4254 points (Singer-/Multi-Core). Below are the estimated figures for the last few generations of Core i3 chips. There is currently no information regarding the release dates or price of the Intel 310 processor.