Blizzard Entertainment is considering ways to bring back fan-requested 6v6 matches in Overwatch 2.
In the predecessor to Overwatch 2, it was common for six heroes to compete against each other in different arenas. With the release of the second part, it was decided to limit the matches to 5 against 5. Apparently, the majority of players didn’t like that at all.
On the official Overwatch 2 website An update has now been released by game director Aaron Keller, in which he explains the plans for a possible return to 6 vs. 6 matches.
“As we act as a service to our players, we are always open to reevaluating our decisions based on your actions and feedback,” said Director Aaron Keller.
Keller also explains the advantages of the new variant. One example he mentions is the role queues, which allow for a fair comparison of two healer classes, two damage classes and one tank class per team.
There have already been suggestions from the community on how to bring back the old matches and Blizzard Entertainment seems to have taken note of these suggestions.
“With that in mind, we’re planning a series of events to test out different core team composition formats in Overwatch 2. The community has suggested a test once or twice before. Why not put different forms of 6v6 into the game to measure the results? We feel the same way, and based on your feedback, we’re exploring how we can test different forms of 6v6 in the game to measure the results. However, for reasons that aren’t immediately apparent, this will take some time.”
When these tests will start in the form of events is not yet clear. Before that, we would have to find out how these tests will affect the performance of the game.
According to Keller, Blizzard intends to run these tests for several weeks and then decide how to proceed with the 6 vs. 6 matches.
Overwatch 2 is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Playtation 4/5, Nintendo Switch and PC.
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