The animated series Invincible is a hit on Prime Video and Amazon wants to continue investing in that direction. The company has now confirmed that there will be a fourth season.
Remember that the third season has been confirmed and is currently in production (and should take less time than the second).
Season 4 Poster and Season 3 Management
Below you can see the poster for the fourth season. Obviously there is nothing new in the image, also because we have yet to see the third series of Invincible, but it is credible that new faces will appear in the saga in the coming years.
Speaking of season 3, fans are wondering if it will be split into two parts. Creator Robert Kirkman says he isn’t sure yet, but he does confirm that he knows what fans think about it.
“All I can say is we’re very aware that it wasn’t a popular choice,” Kirkman says during a GamesRadar+ event at San Diego Comic-Con. “It is what it is. So, you know, we’re exploring things and it’s definitely something we’ll talk about. I don’t know. We’ll just have to wait and see.”
Invincible has also landed in the video game market, for example with Invincible Guarding the Globe: here is our review.