During San Diego Comic-Con 2024, Adult Swim’s streaming block announced premiere date of the upcoming anime series “Spiral” based on Junji Ito’s horror manga Uzumaki. The first episode of the miniseries will appear on Adult Swim on September 28, and will be released on Max the following day. We are expecting four episodes, they will be released on Thursdays.
The cult manga Spiral ran from 1998 to 1999, and an anime adaptation was announced in 2019. The series’ premiere has been repeatedly postponed, in particular due to the pandemic. As the new teaser trailer confirms, Production I.G and director Hiroshi Nagahama are making sure the anime visually matches Uzumaki’s original illustrations.
The plot of “Spiral” is based on a mysterious curse that has engulfed the fictional city of Kurozu. Its inhabitants, as well as everything around them, are gradually turning into spirals. Schoolchildren Shuichi and Kirie try to resist this nightmare.