AMD previously announced a delay in the release of Ryzen 9000 processors, but did not provide details about the possible reasons. However, insider HXL has discovered and shown the probable reason to the public, and the reason is extremely funny. Let’s first check if you can spot the problem in the photo.
Yes, there is a typo on the processor cover that classifies the Ryzen 7 9700X as a member of the Ryzen 9 series, older and more expensive solutions. It would seem that this is too insignificant a problem to postpone the release dates, but it actually explains a lot. Did some reviewers get lower performance indicators? The typo forced them to compare the reviewed “stones” with older processors, and the tight deadlines for testing and preparing materials prevented them from understanding what happened. This typo could also affect the marketing component of the issue, and that is why AMD had to recall the processors to update their heat spreaders. Who knows, maybe completely different processors could have been found under the covers.