Adult Swim has announced the release date for the anime adaptation of Junji Ito’s manga Spiral. Along with the announcement, a short teaser trailer was released, giving a glimpse of some of the horrors viewers will be able to witness when the anime premieres on September 28, 2024.
Horror fans will be able to watch the anime adaptation on the day of its release on Adult Swim, and the following day, on September 29, 2024, it will be available on the Max streaming service.
The short teaser is about one minute long and features various scenes from the anime. Warning, the teaser contains body horror, blood, and disturbing images.
The Spiral anime, originally scheduled for release in 2021, has been delayed several times. Subsequent updates were released in 2023 and 2024, containing more information about the series, such as voice actors. Uzumaki will have four episodes in total, with both Japanese and English dubs.