“Drifting Cavern: Glacial Core” in ZZZ is the fifth mission of the Watch Your Step event, unlocked on July 28. This guide will tell you how to complete the puzzle and collect all the AIC data samples.
Regular order “Drifting Caverna: Glacial Core”
This order is to introduce you to the mechanics of the level and how to use pistons to move boxes onto blue buttons. The route below will allow you to grab all the chests and resources that are found here.
Get to the 2nd tier of the cavern
After descending into the cavern, follow the route shown in the screenshot below to push the box onto the blue button. Then grab the purple chest and head to the rift in the lower right corner, it will send you to the second tier.
Get to the 3rd tier of the cavern
Once you’re on the second tier, first step up to send the first box to the blue button. Then go down to the bottom box and send it to the button.
Now step up and to the left to reach the purple chest. Use the piston to your right and grab the second chest on this level, then head to the rift.
Defeat the Ethereals on the 3rd floor of the cavern
To get past the third tier and reach the finish line, step down and push the box onto the piston. Use the top piston and then push the box onto the button.
Now make a small detour and use the plunger pointing downwards to grab the gold chest. Then grab the purple chest and head straight for the exit.
To complete the order, you will have to defeat the Ethereals. The fight will begin after moving to the finish cell.
Complex order “Drifting Caverna: Glacial Core”
The Drift Cavern: Glacial Core hard bounty will be unlocked after completing the normal one. To get the maximum rank and rewards here, you will need to collect 5 AIC data samples.
Sample data of AIC No. 1
Since you can step on the cells several times on the first tier without fear of falling through, you can push the boxes onto the buttons in several ways at once. In the screenshot below, we showed the route we took ourselves.
With the boxes in place and the passageway open, collect the first AIC data sample in this order and then head towards the rift in the center.
Sample data AIC No. 2-3
Once on the second tier, step up and to the right to push the first crate onto the button. Then move down all the way and to the left, so you can send the second crate to the upper left corner using the piston.
Take the AIC data sample, then go to the blue button and swap with the box in the corner. This will unlock the passage and allow you to proceed to the rift in the upper right corner, grabbing another AIC data sample along the way.
Sample data AIC No. 4-5
Once you’ve reached the third tier, move left to push the crate onto the piston and send it to the button in the lower left corner. Then step down and pick up the fourth AIC data sample.
From there, go right, down, and left to get the second box to take its place on the button. Then go all the way down and go right to put the last box in place.
Before heading to the exit, don’t forget to grab the last sample of AIC data. To complete the order, you will have to defeat the Ethereals. The fight will begin after moving to the finish cell.
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