In an interview, Gearbox founder Randy Pitchford talks about the studio’s upcoming projects and is as excited as a little kid to finally be able to talk more about them soon.
It’s a poorly kept secret that Gearbox is already working on new titles in the Borderlands universe. Last year, a former developer on LinkedIn named both Borderlands 4 and Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands 2 as reference games he had worked on. Randy Pitchford seems to be aware of this, as he no longer even tries to deny the existence of these games.
“Oh man, I don’t think I hid well enough the fact that we were working on something. And I think people who love Borderlands are going to be very excited about what we’re working on.”
Pitchford also makes some statements about what he calls the “Borderlands Connected Universe”:
“I think I’m born with a passion for creating joy and happiness and entertainment. I love movies and I love video games, I love entertainment,” he says. “So I’m grateful that we have so many great things planned with Borderlands and I can’t wait to talk to our fans about the things we’re working on.”
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The only question that remains is what Gearbox will announce next after the upcoming Borderlands film, which will be released in German cinemas on August 22nd. Borderlands 3 is already five years old, and Tiny Tina’s last adventure is “only” two years old. So all signs point to Borderlands 4.
Borderlands – The final trailer before the cinema release
The film adaptation of Borderlands with Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart and many others will be released in cinemas on August 9th and there is a final trailer to get you in the mood.