The official trailer for Hellboy: The Crooked Man, the new film dedicated to the famous character created by Mike Mignola who has already enjoyed several cinematic adaptations, was presented during San Diego Comic-Con 2024.
Also the protagonist of numerous video games, Hellboy faces with The Crooked Man his second reboot after the 2019 one, which featured David Harbour under the heavy devil-man makeup but in terms of box office receipts things did not go well.
Director Brian Taylor therefore thought of something different, a film that drew more convincingly from the original comic and that could count on the collaboration of the character’s creator himself, Mike Mignola.
The result is Hellboy: The Crooked Man, which does not yet have an official theatrical release date, nor do we know if it will go straight to streaming. It is expected this year, in any case.
A less demanding film
Several months after the last video game adventure of the red anti-hero, Hellboy: Web of Wyrd, which was received with very mixed reviews by the international press, Mignola’s creation is now preparing to return to the big screen but as part of a production that is decidedly less demanding than its previous ones.
As you can see from the trailer, in fact, we are faced with a film that cost around 25 million dollars: a budget that is not small but not exorbitant compared to the average of Hollywood action movies.
The fact that it is based on a specific Hellboy saga, namely The Crooked Man, could however give the film an unexpected value: we’ll see.