Among the news bombshells from the Marvel panel during San Diego Comic-Con was a much smaller, much more obscure nugget of information dropped in the form of Breaking Bad star Giancarlo Esposito’s mysterious role in the upcoming Captain America sequel, Brave New World. Esposito plays none other than… Sidewinder!
Wait, who exactly is Sidewinder? According to Screen Rant The antagonist’s real name is Seth Voelker and he is the leader of a group called the Serpent Society. Voelker, who normally wears a snake suit, has a magical cloak that allows him to teleport, but it remains to be seen how down-to-earth the character will actually be in Brave New World.
For those who were wondering, that mystery is now solved. Brave New World will premiere in February of next year, how excited are you to see Esposito in the new Captain America movie?