Telegram will become the “epicentre of social transformation” that will bring hundreds of millions of people into close contact with blockchain, promised founder and head of the messenger Pavel Durov on his channel.
To keep up the pace of development, Telegram will have a mini-app store by the end of the month, as well as a built-in browser for working in apps with support for Web3 pages. The cryptocurrency field, which sometimes promises great opportunities, often alienates ordinary consumers due to the large number of scammers.
Therefore, the Telegram administration has decided to step up efforts to combat scammers who are trying to deceive newcomers to the world of cryptocurrencies. Soon, Telegram, similar to Instagram,✴ Public accounts will display the month of registration and the primary country of registration.
A decentralized third-party verification market will also be created — some organizations will be able to use their mini-apps to assign labels to channels indicating the veracity of the information published. This, Mr. Durov is confident, will contribute to greater decentralization and transparency, and Telegram users will be more aware of the opportunities and dangers of a world in which the rules of the game are rapidly changing.
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