Braid Anniversary Edition has been “selling like dogs,” according to creator Jonathan Blow.
Jonathan Blow, the creator of Braid, has commented on the sales figures of Braid Anniversary Edition. According to him, the game has sold “like dogs***shit”, meaning almost nothing, and the sales of the remaster have been “absolutely terrible” since its release, he says in a Video.
The video itself, which was @Knoebelbroet discovered shows a compilation of clips from Blow’s Twitch channel and the further away the release of Braid Anniversary Edition got, the worse Jonathan’s statements about the game’s sales numbers became.
Finally, in a third clip recorded 68 days after the release, he said: “No, they (sales figures) were terrible,” he replied, “they were absolutely awful.”
In the final clip, he added that no one is working on the compiler for Jai because they can no longer afford employees or pay anyone because sales are so poor.
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