Sony has announced that it has laid off over 200 Bungie employees with the intention of shaking up the Destiny studio. New behind-the-scenes information has now emerged about the operation and the path that the Japanese company intends to take with the software house acquired in 2022 for 3.6 billion dollars.
As you probably remember, at the time of the acquisition Sony had decided to respect and safeguard the autonomy of Bungie, which although it had become part of PlayStation Studios would continue to make strategic decisions not directly influenced by the Japanese company. Following the recent decisions, it seems that this agreement has fallen through: now, Hermen Hulst is in charge of the company, with Sony intending to gradually take full control and make it in all respects another of its traditional first-party studios.
This was suggested by video game journalist and insider Jeff Grubb, who also revealed on X|Twitter how Sony tried to minimize the staff cuts and reassign many of those at risk of losing their jobs. “They also tried to soften the blow by sending a lot of people from Bungie to SIE instead of just cutting them. I thought the number of jobs lost would be closer to 350. This is what I know, which is not everything: over time, Bungie will lose its autonomy and become like any other PlayStation Worldwide Studio under SIE and Herman Hulst. And by ‘over time’ I simply mean that this is a process that is starting now. But it will happen.”
Today’s news also revealed that Sony and Bungie will be forming a new studio to work on an original sci-fi-themed IP.