Grasshopper Manufacture recently held a new presentation event, mainly focused on Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered. The company’s Direct proved to be the right stage to talk about the future and what Suda51 could give us in the future.
The one who gave us a hint about what Grasshopper Manufacture could develop in the future was actually Shinji Mikami, the historic creator of the Resident Evil series who joined his friend Goichi Suda during the presentation. Surprisingly, the name of Killer7 came up, which apparently could return first with a Complete Edition of the original game and then with a second episode.
“I realized that I want to be as hands-on as possible when it comes to game making, and I would love to see Suda make a sequel to Killer7,” Mikami said. Suda was surprised and immediately won over by the idea: “Really?! We might see a sequel to Killer7 or a full edition someday. I think I would rather start with the full edition. I would rather do a full edition first. That first and then Killer11,” he said, referring to the game’s hypothetical sequel. “I don’t know, probably ‘Killer7-something.’ Maybe ‘Killer7: Beyond.'”
Originally released for GameCube and PS2 in 2005, Killer7 is a violent action game with a very elegant and refined aesthetic style. The game focuses on Harman Smith, a wheelchair-bound assassin with seven different personalities that he can bring to life during his adventure.