Following the devastating staff cuts announced recently, with over 200 layoffs at Bungie, it appears that Destiny 3: Payback, the third installment in the team’s popular series, has been canceled—or at least that’s according to current rumor.
To be honest, the existence of the project itself has never been entirely clear, but Destiny has always been seen as a trilogy, even though Destiny 2 lasted so long that it cast doubt on the possibility of there actually being room for a third chapter.
However, rumors have been circulating for some time about a new project, which would be codenamed Payback, although there has never been any official confirmation of this game.
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Now, a new rumor is casting doubt on whether Destiny 3 will ever be completed, especially after the upheaval within Bungie.
Destiny 2: The Ultimate Form in a screenshot
Among others, the well-known journalist of VentureBeat, Jeff Grubb, reported that, among the projects affected by the team layoffs, there would also be Destiny 3, or Payback.
In a new episode of Game Mess Mornings, Giant Bomb’s video podcast, Grubb reported that Payback has been shelved for good. It’s unclear whether or not this was Destiny 3, but internally it was referred to as “the new Destiny,” so it could be the third installment in the series.
Obviously, this is all just a rumor for now, but considering that Bungie is now also busy with Marathon, it’s possible that some changes could be coming to Destiny projects.