Insider Paras Guglani shared the news on the X platform yesterday that Transsion, the owner of the TECNO brand, is planning to launch the Phantom V Fold 2 and Phantom V2 Flip foldable smartphones at the end of August. In his post, he also published photos of the new device.
Although the photos are not very clear and only show the outline of the Phantom V2 flip phone, it is clear that part of the screen matches the information in the FCC certification document. Previously, many media outlets reported that the Phantom V2 Flip model with the model number AE11 appeared in GeekBench tests with a result of 832 points in the single-core test and 3130 points in the multi-core test. It is assumed that the device will be equipped with a MediaTek Dimensity 8020 processor.
According to the FCC, the Phantom V2 Flip is equipped with a 3,410 mAh battery and a 1,180 mAh battery, which totals 4,590 mAh — a 15% increase over the Phantom V Flip. It was also previously reported that the device supports 70 W fast charging, has 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal storage.
The Phantom V2 Flip is expected to measure 170 x 74 x 8 mm when unfolded and 85 x 74 x 16 mm when folded.