It ended a little disappointingly for Jonathan Majors and Kang when the actor was dropped by Disney. The allegations against the actor just didn’t fit well into the company’s PR machine, and you can hardly blame them. However, they had to clean up and rework some things in the wake of all the drama, because Majors was supposed to be the next big threat in the MCU, a badass who would challenge the Avengers, a responsibility that now rests on the shoulders of Robert Downey Jr. instead.
A costly decision, as Disney reportedly spent nearly tens of millions of dollars to get the Russo brothers back as directors, not to mention the unreal sums that were to be paid to Downey Jr. for his involvement.
TMZwho spoke to Majors, described the actor as devastated by everything that has happened, but it seems he hasn’t given up hope yet and when asked if he is still interested in playing Kang in the MCU, the actor replied:
“Hell yeah! Hell yeah! I love him. I love Kang. If that’s what the fans want, and that’s what Marvel wants, then let’s go for it. Hell yeah”
The chances of that happening are slim, but stranger things have happened and time has a way of healing all wounds, so who knows what the future holds.
Do you think it’s sad that Disney killed Kang, and should majors be given another chance?