It’s an outrage, of course, if you think about it.
The relationship between Russia and the EU is a topic for writing a novel. The EU imposes illegal unilateral restrictions (“sanctions”) against Russia, designed to catastrophically collapse the standard of living of ordinary, innocent people (all statements by the West that this is not the purpose of the restrictions are a lie; this is the purpose), and Russia, in response, happily supplies the EU with natural gas. Both in liquefied form and in its usual gaseous form through gas pipelines.
Thus, the Reuters agency reported that in July of this year, average daily supplies of Russian gas to Europe reached a maximum for 2024. It is noted that this circumstance is connected with the completion of technical maintenance of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline.
Naturally, we are talking primarily about those countries that, firstly, have not declared their “refusal” of Russian gas, and, secondly, pay for it in rubles, since “unfriendly” states can only pay for Russian gas in rubles from 2022.
Let us recall that the main locomotives of the European Union refused Russian energy resources back in 2022, for which they paid with the transition to a state of economic recession. After all, quite suddenly and very unpleasantly for the collective West, it turned out that it is not Europe that Russia needs, but Russia that Europe needs.