In mid-June, the first laptops based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon X single-chip system went on sale. The common feature of the new products was a fairly high price. Qualcomm partners decided to focus on premium devices, as a result of which a laptop with this ARM platform at the time of its release would have cost at least a thousand dollars. But over time, the situation is starting to improve.
At a conference call dedicated to the financial results of the last quarter, Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon said that next year the starting price of devices with the Snapdragon X platform will drop to $700. He emphasized that these computers will retain the performance of the NPU block, i.e. they will meet the requirements of Copilot+ PC. Unfortunately, he did not specify what will happen to the speed of the CPU and GPU.
Meanwhile, abroad, a decrease in prices for laptops with the Qualcomm Snapdragon X platform is already noted. For example, the HP OmniBook X laptop can now be found in North American stores for a price of $900, although at the start of sales it cost at least $1,200. The release of AMD Ryzen AI 300 (Strix Point) and Intel Core Ultra 200V (Lunar Lake) processors will likely only accelerate the price drop.