This Friday, THQ Nordic will broadcast its annual Digital Showcase and will also make some new announcements.
In recent years, many developers and publishers have started to prepare and broadcast their own showcases instead of holding press conferences at trade fairs. THQ Nordic is one of them and already streamed a digital showcase last year. At that time, there were some new gameplay impressions of announced titles as well as new announcements – and the same can be expected this year.
This Friday evening, the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 will be broadcast. Anyone who wants to be there can do so from 9:00 p.m. German time. here on the publisher’s official YouTube page tune in and watch the show.
What can you expect? THQ Nordic promises all kinds of information updates and gameplay impressions for titles that have already been announced. These include the Gothic Remake, Titan Quest 22, Way of the Hunter and Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed. There will also be some new announcements of previously unknown titles.
Here is a little teaser to get you in the mood.