On the night of August 1, 2024, users from Russia faced a serious slowdown in the work of the video hosting YouTube. The country’s authorities warned in advance about the upcoming slowdown, but reported that the reason was the wear and tear of Google’s equipment. Russian operators, in turn, claimed that problems with access to the resource were due to regulation by Roskomnadzor.
In particular, Dom.ru directly states that the problems are caused not by the equipment, but by the regulator’s decision.
Commenting on the situation for the Kommersant publication, a Google representative stated that the difficulties with using YouTube in Russia are not related to technical problems or restrictions on the part of the company.
According to information received from Kommersant’s sources, the problems with access to YouTube are related to the TSPU equipment (“technical means of counteracting threats”), which was installed by operators at the request of the law “On the sovereign Internet”. And no “wear and tear of Google equipment” plays any role here.