“The People’s Joker” was originally scheduled to be presented at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2022. However, thanks to the satirical portrayals of well-known DC characters, Warner filed a cease and desist order, which is why the film disappeared from the scene for almost two years.
At the beginning of the year, after making it clear that none of the content shown was part of an official DC project, Warner seemed to have relented and the Joker satire was finally allowed to be shown on cinema screens in the USA and Canada from April 5th. Although “The People’s Joker” did not make it to German cinemas, anyone interested in the parody now has the opportunity to form their own opinion of the transgender clown.
What is “The People’s Joker” about?
In a dystopian world, monitored by Batman, the protagonist moves to Gotham City to become a respected comedian. The official path to on-air talent, however, involves paying $15,000 and taking various comedy courses from Ra’s al Ghul. Together with Oswald Cobblepot, another comedian who cannot afford to join, the protagonist forms his own comedy troupe, the “Anti-Comedy”.
They quickly find themselves in the company of outlaw comedians, one of whom the protagonist begins a relationship with. The latter reveals to him that he is a transgender man and encourages the protagonist to accept and live his own transgender identity. Under the stage name Joker the Harlequin, the protagonist stands up against Batman and tries to free comedy from its constraints.
Wo kann man “The People’s Joker” streamen?
There is now good news for everyone who wants to see the Joker parody for themselves. Even though the film has not made it to German screens, it has been available for streaming since July 30. On Amazon Prime and Apple TV you can now stream Vera Drew’s creative work with English voice-over.
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