For years, the Gears of War series, initially developed by Epic Games, has been one of the most representative of the Xbox ecosystem, and over time it has evolved to provide passionate players with new perspectives on the world invaded by the Locust after the terrible day of Emergence, which will be explored in depth in the upcoming Gears of War: E-Day.
After the third chapter, in fact, the artists of The Coalition decided to dedicate more space to Marcus’ son, James Dominic, and then move on to Kait Diaz in Gears 5, the first female protagonist of the entire series, honored in a very special new cosplay.
As specified in the message in the post reported at the bottom of the page, the professional cosplayer Morgana Cosplay was contacted directly by Xbox Spain for a very special collaboration, aimed at dedicating a convincing interpretation to Kait.
The result is truly extraordinary, with armor and weapons that are truly detailed and well-made, and totally in line with what we have seen in the aforementioned games. The fan said she was honored to have had this opportunity and renewed her thanks to the Spanish division of Xbox for letting her wear one of the costumes she is most fond of.
In conclusion, we leave you to retrace the history and evolution of the Gears of War series, in our column dedicated to the great video game sagas, and the latest clues after an announcement by The Coalition according to which Gears of War E-Day should also arrive on PlayStation 5. Don’t forget to share your opinions on Kait’s cosplay in the comments.