Google Chrome, with the latest update, has started warning uBlock Origin users to switch to other ad blockers in connection with the upcoming shutdown of Manifest v2 extensions.
The original uBlock Origin extension has the Manifest v2 format, but there is no full-featured version for Manifest v3 — only the limited-featured uBlock Origin Lite supports the new format, explained its developer Raymond Hill. Google intends to disable support for Manifest v2 in Chrome, so the browser suggests switching to more modern alternatives: the aforementioned uBlock Origin Lite, as well as Adblock Plus, Stands AdBlocker, or Ghostery.
After upgrading to Chrome 127, a warning banner appears on the browser’s extensions page for all Manifest v2 titles. Chrome Beta, Dev, and Canary users will see these warnings starting June 3, 2024. In the coming months, the company will disable Manifest v2 support in the browser by default, but will temporarily leave the option to manually enable it, and then it will be removed. Users of legacy extensions will be directed to the Chrome Web Store, where they will be offered alternatives. The transition to Manifest v2 for consumer Chrome Stable users is expected to be complete by early 2025.
Enterprise Chrome users with the ExtensionManifestV2Availability policy deployed will be able to use Manifest v2 extensions on Linux, Mac, Windows, and ChromeOS until June 2025. Google announced Manifest V3 with the release of Chrome 88 in December 2020. The new standard has created significant technical challenges for extension developers, primarily those who require broad control over browser features.
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