Back in 2022, the Xbox team partnered with Riot Games on Game Pass. But previously, the partnership wasn’t available to Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S players, as the perks were limited to games only available on PC and mobile. Now, with the full release of Valorant on Xbox Series X | S, Game Pass Ultimate subscribers have access to Riot Games’ perks.
Xbox Series X | S players who subscribe to Game Pass Ultimate get:
Access to all agents that have already been released for the game. They do not need to unlock each agent separately by completing “contracts”. All new agents immediately after release become available to players with Game Pass Ultimate subscriptions. Players receive +20% additional experience.
In the new Game Pass trailer, which was presented immediately after the full release of Valorant, players were reminded of the bonuses in Riot Games projects.
As a reminder, the full list of Riot Games bonuses for Game Pass Ultimate subscribers can be found here.