Prompt Games and Paradox Interactive have announced Ancient World, the first expansion for the turn-based 4X strategy game Millennia, which will be available from August 12.
Ancient Worlds adds new early-game options, including a potential new government type, as well as a new national spirit focused on diplomacy, landmarks, and other content inspired by the early days of humanity.
Key Features:
Start with a Nomadic Band – You begin the game as a disorganized wandering band, searching for resources to increase your power until you decide to settle down and establish a proper society. New Threats – Megafauna roam the lands, threatening your prehistoric nomads, but also offering the possibility of new events and experiences. New Terrain – Starting with frozen terrain introduces new challenges, limiting resource gathering, but as it thaws and a more hospitable environment expands, you discover lush grasslands and forests. New National Spirit – Envoys – A second era national spirit that emphasizes diplomacy in the early game. Give gifts to rival countries, collect resources from smaller nations to maintain their independence, and take advantage of the new special Llama commodity. New Starting Government – Group Companies: Rather than building a homeland, Group Companies rely on powerful short-term bonuses and tribal camps to get a head start. They also get a nomadic party to explore the area and settle an additional capital region. New Landmarks – Discover majestic natural wonders as you explore your new world. Mount Jianglang, Iguazu Falls, Redwood National Park, and eight other landmarks can appear on the map, each with their own new expedition.