Cracking space action in the best “Gradius” style: How well does the top-down shooter “CYGNI: All Guns Blazing” really do in the test? We give you all the information about the insider tip for shooting.
“CYGNI” is a perfect fit for Konami – after all, it feels a bit like an early arcade game. The British studio KeelWorks is behind the space shooter. It is their first work and the small team approached the project with a lot of ambition. The effort is definitely evident in the test, even if the game still has some weaknesses.
The story – There could have been more!
“CYGNI” consists of just seven chapters plus a tutorial. If you play the game on “Easy”, the credits will flash across the screen after just under 90 minutes. Top-down action games are traditionally not known for their sophisticated story. However, the effects orgy has a very interesting science fiction background story. “CYGNI” refers to a planet that is conquered and plundered by humans before the former inhabitants return and start another great war. The elaborate cutscenes focus on the pilot Ava and her Orca fighter jet.
There is enormous potential in the game world and its story. The design of the aliens is excellent and atmospheric. But the short length of the game hardly allows for the background to be explained and the cutscenes are atmospheric, but they are over just as quickly. It fails to clearly portray characters and motivations. This means that there is no lasting impression. We would have liked to have immersed ourselves more deeply in the “CYGNI” universe, but were suddenly torn out again. A completely wasted opportunity.
Even though “CYGNI” was certainly inspired by titles like “Gradius”, it is more beginner-friendly. With the help of three difficulty levels, we can adapt the gaming experience to our abilities. However, the game balance is not yet perfect: Even on “Medium”, the first chapters are extremely difficult and frustrating with the sheer number of enemies and projectiles. The fact that we have to start the mission from the beginning after every screen death and don’t even get a small reward for our efforts is not exactly motivating either. Not to mention “Hard”. That’s why many will have to switch to “Easy” first.
We have three lives on this difficulty level. The game also moves more slowly and the projectiles do less damage. If we die anyway, we lose the energy cores we have collected up to that point. We will need these later for upgrades. Caution is advised here too. On “Easy” however, “CYGNI” is often too much of a no-brainer. Fighting sections often seem drawn out. So, especially in the first few hours of the game, we have the choice between shooting frustration and occasional long stretches.