Late last week, it became known that Game Informer was shutting down after 33 years of publishing the magazine and content on the site. The announcement came unexpectedly, when the publisher was actively covering some upcoming new releases. The company itself is owned by GameStop, and it was they who published a farewell to readers that the editors of Game Informer had nothing to do with.
Now, Game Informer has posted a real farewell. The editors of the publication wrote that they couldn’t do without a sincere farewell after 33 years of work. They posted the following on Twitter:
With 33 years in business, we feel we deserve a heartfelt farewell written by a former Game Informer employee.
We are truly heartbroken by the closure of our publication, but we leave with pride, knowing that we put everything we could into the work.
In the words of our editor-in-chief: “Be healthy. Play well.”
About 2 hours after this message was posted on Game Informer’s Twitter account, the account itself was completely deleted.