The creators of the anime adaptation of the manga “Kaiju No. 8” have published information on their website that the second season of the series, announced in June, will be broadcast in 2025. We do not have a more precise start date for the broadcast yet, but we were informed that the first season will receive a compilation film for those who want to rewatch it with significant cuts. And fans will also get an additional original episode “Khoshin’s Day”, which also has no release date.
The announcement was made on August 5th for a reason. “Number eight” in Japanese is written as Hachi Gou, where Hachi is “Eight” and Go without the long “O” is five. Eighth month, fifth day.
The first season of “Kaiju No. 8” was broadcast from April to June of this year and consists of 12 episodes. Let us remind you that a cross-platform game based on this manga is also expected to be released in the future.