Additional details about the new GeForce RTX 4070 graphics card have been revealed by Asian sources. This model will soon be offered in a version with GDDR6 memory chips. The shortage of GDDR6X chips prompted the “greens” to release it.
The GeForce RTX 4070 GDDR6 graphics card will be made on a printed circuit board with the identifier PG141 SKU347. It will inherit the GPU configuration from the old model, but at the same time it will receive GDDR6 chips with a speed of 20 GT/s. Taking into account the 192-bit bus, this will provide a video buffer bandwidth of 480 GB/s. For comparison, the regular GeForce RTX 4070 with GDDR6X chips (21 GT/s) has this figure of 504 GB/s.
In fact, the new GeForce RTX 4070 will be the first Nvidia graphics card equipped with GDDR6 chips with a speed of 20 GT/s. Previously, the “greens” preferred GDDR6X chips to achieve such indicators. There is currently no information regarding the release dates of the GeForce RTX 4070 GDDR6.