Fresh benchmark results of a test sample of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 processor in some unknown smartphone have leaked online. Earlier leaks showed that this SoC is capable of outperforming its predecessor SD8 Gen 3 by as much as 46% in multi-threading, but we don’t know anything about its power consumption for such performance.
The latest results show that the SD8 Gen 4 is slightly faster than the Apple A17 Pro in multi-thread and slightly behind it in single-thread. At the same time, the processor’s productive cores, as it turns out, can overclock to an impressive 4.09 GHz.
The tested smartphone received 12 GB of RAM, but it is unknown what kind. As for the appearance of smartphones with the new flagship Qualcomm processor on sale, this event is expected in early 2025.
Earlier, an insider stated that this processor will also boast mind-blowingly energy-efficient graphics, which show results on par with the graphics from the MediaTek Dimensity 9300, but at half the consumption of the latter.