In recent years, the crime series about the popular village policeman Franz Eberhofer have become an absolute cult. The exciting and humorous cases from the fictional Bavarian town of Niederkaltenkirchen are a huge success, especially in the cinema, and have already brought in huge sums of money. The fifth Eberhofer crime series “Sauerkrautkoma” was recently broadcast on free TV by WDR. But when will it finally be available as a free stream?
Eberhofer crime thriller: Steckerlfischfiasko comes to cinemas
Fans of Eberhofer Franz can hardly stop cheering. The production company Constantin recently announced another film about the popular village policeman from Niederkaltenkirchen. The film is based on the latest novel Steckerlfischfiasko by author Rita Falk.
However, its premiere is still some time away: According to current plans, filming will not begin until next year, so the film is unlikely to be released in theaters before summer 2026. However, fans will not have to do without the Eberhofer for quite that long.
When will Sauerkrautkoma be available to stream for free?
Last Saturday, the fifth Eberhofer crime thriller “Sauerkrautkoma” was broadcast on free TV – more precisely on WDR – during prime time. Fortunately, anyone who missed the funny and exciting case of the village policeman need not despair. The film is now available as a free stream in the ARD media library. There you can access the crime thriller at any time imaginable, 24 hours a day, so you can enjoy it without any time pressure.
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What is the Eberhofer crime novel “Sauerkrautkoma” about?
Franz from Eberhof is pretty annoyed because he has to endure a “punitive transfer” from Niederkaltenkirchen to Munich. For this reason, he not only has to deal with the somewhat headstrong Rudi in a shared apartment, but also with his rival Thin Lizzy as his boss. To make matters worse, the successful businessman Karl-Heinz Fleischmann is trying to get on with “his” Susi. That alone has plenty of potential for conflict.
Source: ARD Media Library
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Eberhofer crime thriller streamed completely free of charge – then Sauerkrautkoma will be available in the media library absolutely free of charge When will the Eberhofer crime thriller “Sauerkrautkoma” be available to stream for free? The fans can hardly wait.
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