Age of Mythology: Retold will be released on Xbox Series X | S and PC on September 4. This is a remake of the Age of Mythology strategy game, which was released 22 years ago. The developers have significantly updated the game, and not only in terms of graphics. Previously, closed tests were held for buyers of extended versions of the strategy by pre-order, and the reviews about the game are positive.
Developers at World’s Edge expect to be able to actively develop Age of Mythology: Retold after its release, the game’s senior producer Ernest Yuen said in an interview with InverseAccording to him, much will depend on the success of the project itself, but the studio already has ideas:
There are more expansions that we want to release. Of course, we need the game to be successful enough to do that. We were worried when we were preparing for the demo that people might think, “Oh, the game is too old.” However, the feedback has been really encouraging for the team. We want to push ourselves and make the best game we can right now.
Age of Mythology: Retold will be part of the Game Pass subscription upon release, giving more players the opportunity to try out the remastered classic.