Different from most zombie games is what makes Dead Rising have a special position in the gaming industry. When games like this are mostly presented as horror or survival horror games with a dark and scary atmosphere, Capcom actually conjures up this zombie fighting action into something fun. The opportunity to use various strange weapons and costumes is a mainstay gimmick as well as an open world concept to explore as freely as possible. Now with a remaster project based on the RE Engine that is certain to feel more modern, Capcom has also changed one sensitive thing in it.
As a photographer, the main character – Frank West certainly has the ability to take pictures. In the original Dead Rising series, your “naughty” actions to take pictures of cleavage, crotch, navel piercing, and even panties of female characters will be given points called “Erotica” which will later produce PP points for the upgrade process. However, for the remastered series – Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, Capcom ensures that this special Erotica point system will be removed. It is likely that side missions tied to this mechanic will also be removed.
The “Erotica” point system will be removed from Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster itself is planned to be released on September 19, 2024 for Playstation 5, Xbox Series, and of course – PC. What do you think about this situation?
Source: Automaton West