This year, Intel will release not only the next generation of Core Ultra processors, but also the Battlemage graphics architecture. It will debut in the iGPU of the Lunar Lake mobile chips, whose official release will take place in early September, and some time later it will appear in the Arc B-series discrete graphics cards. Samples of these 3D accelerators are already being tested by the chipmaker and its partners, thanks to which the parameters of one of the new products have become known.
We are talking about a model with an Intel BMG-G21 graphics chip in a configuration with 14 Xe2 cores and a 192-bit memory bus, roughly speaking, a mid-range next-generation video card. The device is equipped with 12 gigabytes of GDDR6 memory with a speed of 19 GT/s, which provided a video buffer bandwidth of 456 GB/s. Unfortunately, there was no information about the performance of the new product.
Let us recall that the Intel Battlemage family of graphics processors is represented by three GPUs: BMG-G10, BMG-G21 and BMG-G31. The BMG-G10 model, according to available information, has been canceled. For the video cores of the Battlemage generation, the chipmaker claims a significant increase in ray tracing performance, better compatibility with games and support for higher-speed memory. For example, in the case of mobile Lunar Lake CPUs, they talk about a one and a half times increase in the performance of integrated graphics compared to Meteor Lake.