The company received not a subpoena, but a routine request for information.
Update: at Nvidia refute receiving a legally binding subpoena. The company emphasized that it is not formally under investigation, and the agency sent Nvidia a standard request for information – the same as before.
US Department of Justice start send out subpoenas demanding disclosure of inside information as part of the antitrust investigation against Nvidia. The subpoenas are sent to both the company itself and its partners.
Previously, Bloomberg writes, the Justice Ministry sent out questionnaires to collect information. Now we are talking about documents that oblige recipients to provide all the requested data.
The investigation is related to Nvidia’s leading position in the AI accelerator market, suggesting that the company may be deliberately making it difficult for customers to switch to devices from other manufacturers.
Nvidia representatives invariably assure that they have deservedly achieved leadership in the market, and its partners can choose any solution that suits them.
After news of subpoenas being sent to Nvidia and other companies, the value of Nvidia shares inflammation by almost 10%. The company’s market capitalization fell to approximately $2.65 trillion.
However, against the backdrop of the recent growth of Nvidia quotes, this fall is not too noticeable. Over the year, the company’s share price has grown by 122%, and Nvidia’s capitalization is now at the level of early August 2024.
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