The administration of the Telegram messenger, which, according to the French Releasewhich had previously not responded to requests from the authorities, began to respond quite promptly after Pavel Durov’s arrest. We are talking about a number of investigations being conducted by the police and gendarmerie – in particular, crimes against children.
The Telegram platform, which had previously failed to respond to requests from the French authorities, thereby angering them, began to change its strategy immediately after the arrest of Pavel Durov on Saturday, August 24. The service administration, in particular, responded to requests from the gendarmerie and the Office for Minors (Ofmin) of the national police, providing information that could help identify certain suspects. We are talking about crimes against children.
The information was confirmed by the J3 cybercrime department of the Paris prosecutor’s office. Now information about this is actively disseminated among all employees of the French prosecutor’s office, who are strongly advised to resume Telegram-related investigations, which until now were listed as suspended. Law enforcement agencies have become more active in contacting the Telegram administration on issues of cooperation, and this affected not only France – the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of Belgium also confirmed its readiness to cooperate.
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