After YouTube slowed down, 24% of Russians began using special tools to speed up the platform. At the same time, 33% of users switched to domestic video hosting sites, including VK Video (12%) and Rutube (11%). At the same time, 13% of Russians have completely given up watching online videos. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by edna.
Surveys have shown that 20% of Russians fundamentally do not use domestic video hosting sites. The main reasons for refusal were a lack of content diversity (24%), lack of favorite bloggers (16%) and foreign videos (10%). Respondents also noted an inconvenient interface (8%) and poor search functionality (5%).
Despite difficulties accessing YouTube, 19% of users said they would continue to watch YouTube as long as it remained available. At the same time, 13% of respondents completely abandoned online video, and 12% did not notice any changes in the platform’s operation. According to the study, YouTube traffic in Russia has decreased by 30% since August and has since stabilized at this level.
In an attempt to attract audiences who have left YouTube, Russian video hosting sites are actively introducing new features. In August, Rutube offered a tool for transferring content from YouTube, and in September, VK integrated the AV1 video codec, which allows you to watch high-quality videos even at low Internet speeds. In October, VK launched a grant program with a budget of 100 million rubles, aimed at supporting bloggers and developing original content. Steady growth in Internet traffic in Russia indicates that users are gradually adapting to new conditions, but the long-term prospects for Russian video hosting sites remain uncertain.
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