The game STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl became a financial success in less than a month. The developers reported a few days ago that the project is already making a profit. At the same time, at the moment its exact sales are not disclosed, but it is known that in just 2 days from the release more than 1 million copies were sold, plus a significant number of players tried STALKER 2 on Game Pass.
The success of the game changed its plans for the GSC Game World studio, as development director Evgeniy Grigorovich spoke about in an interview with IGN. According to him, the developers are faced with “a new reality” when they have a large base of players with their own wishes for the development of the project.
Representatives of the studio, in comments to journalists, said that they are now receiving different requests from the audience about how to develop the game:
We need to think carefully because we have a really large audience now, and sometimes different parts of that audience want to see different things. Now we live in this new reality, in a living community. Our goal is to talk to the players and try to understand them maybe deeper, because we really want to make our relationship with them good.
Evgeny Grigorovich notes that the GSC Game World studio had plans for future projects for the next 10-15 years, but now they will have to be adjusted, since more resources will need to be spent on the development of STALKER 2:
About 5-6 years ago we had a plan of what we were going to do in the next 10-15 years. What projects do we want to do? And over the years we’ve updated that plan a little bit, just pushing the dates forward until we released the game.
So 6 years have passed, and we still want to make the same games that we planned before, and nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is that we didn’t think that we would want to invest much more time into regular updates to STALKER 2 after the game’s release, that we would want to add much more stuff to this game in the form of live updates.
We didn’t expect that we would be delayed for many years with improvements to STALKER 2. And now we have the same development plan for 10-15 years ahead regarding other projects that we want to implement. But we also have to invest a lot more resources into STALKER 2.
The developers have already promised to release multiplayer and mod support for STALKER 2. Also announced are global fixes for the A-Life 2.0 system, bug fixes and the release of at least 2 story DLCs.