The first one is the most optimistic. It has more people creating and playing games. This makes it possible to operate a system that feeds itself and generates new opportunities.
The second is less optimistic. With it, everything will work in approximately the same way as today, but slower. In it, perhaps, Playstation could become the only console. Considering that Nintendo has its own market, plus analyzing Microsoft’s statements. Listening to some of their executives speak, I’m reminded of the atmosphere of the Dreamcast era. Honestly, I don’t think it would be good to have one gaming platform (desktop console). This would, I believe, cause complacency (at Playstation) and slow down innovation.
The third is even darker. A new crisis, 1983 Atari style, is possible. Under it, the industry will no longer be able to support its own weight and will eventually collapse. This scenario is likely if the public gets bored and starts spending all their free time on TikTok. It’s going to be a dark future, I hope it doesn’t come to that, but we need fundamental changes in the way we think about the video game industry. The way we look at fans, the way we create entertainment for them, the way we reward those who work on the games.