Telegram began to actively cooperate with US authorities after Pavel Durov was detained in France in August 2024. According to the source, over the entire past year, Telegram satisfied 900 requests from the United States for access to IP addresses and/or phone numbers, and also transferred the data of 2,253 users. Moreover, in the period from January 1 to September 30, 2024, the messenger fulfilled only 14 such requests from American authorities, affecting 108 users of the platform.
Against this background, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Anton Gorelkin drew attention to the fact that “it is not entirely clear whether Telegram has become more transparent for the Russian authorities” He added that the report on Russia, which can be obtained through the Telegram Transparency Report bot, does not contain data for the last quarter of last year. However, in the first nine months of 2024, Telegram did not satisfy a single request from Russia. “Although I know for sure that the Russian authorities send such requests legally and on a systematic basis“, the deputy noted.
Let us remind you that Pavel Durov was detained at the French Le Bourget airport on August 24, 2024. He was later charged with complicity in the administration of an online platform for illegal transactions, refusal to provide information or documents to authorized authorities upon their request, and concealment of crimes as part of an organized group. The businessman was released on bail of €5 million, but was banned from leaving France.
Durov himself called it a “wrong approach” to bring charges for crimes committed by third parties using Telegram. He also promised to improve the platform’s efforts to combat criminals using the messenger for illegal activities.
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