KCD2 is a very complete and complex game, and it is completely normal for you to find yourself a little lost at the start of the adventure. So, in this guide, we give you 10 tips to allow you to start more serenely.
Summary of all our guides on Kingdom Come 2
It is by forging that one becomes a blacksmith on KCD2! The dice, a good way to make money at the beginning of KCD2Marchandez constantly when you buy in KCD2, the habit makes the monks of the combat of kcd2toute battle n ‘ is not always good to take! Facilitating the fight on KCD2PREZ what the wolves offer you on KCD2! Have your food and your plants to dry on KCD2Atte at the time you put to make the quests!
It is by forging that we become a blacksmith on KCD2!
If you have not played the first opus, you may not know how the levels work in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Well, know that you will have different statistics and that, to make them go up, you will have to perform actions related to these.
For example, horse riding will go up when you walk around. At each new level, you will unlock talents, as well as points that you can then spend to activate these famous talents. This is how you will gain power.
From then on, if you want to play a discreet gameplay with an arc, do not expect to win general levels with a large armor and a sword that you can then spend to re-specialize. Start directly with a remote weapon to climb the levels.
Dice, a good way to make money at the start of KCD2
In a large majority of the villages you will meet, you will find a place to play dice and bet money. At the start of the game, it is for example a very good way to make money quickly. To do this, do not hesitate to save and leave before launching the game.
If it turns badly, recharge it before and start again. Do not abuse it either, but at the beginning, it allows you to make a little money, which is not always easy. Subsequently, do not hesitate to buy the pips that you will come across, they will allow you to earn your games much more often.
Constantly merchant when you buy
Merchanting is a doubly interesting mechanism on KCD2. Already, it allows you to pay less for your purchases. In addition, if the latter succeeds, you also gain popularity in the village where you are.
It is therefore doubly beneficial, since it is recalled: in case of good popularity, you will have more attractive prices among merchants, for example. Be careful not to be too greedy. It is sometimes better to save little, but to be sure that the bargaining will pass.
In KCD2, the habit makes the monk
In addition to the popularity that we talked about just before, what will condition your interactions, is the way you introduce yourself. Dress like a beggar, we will treat you in beggars; Dress like a nobleman, we will treat you in noble. This is an important point, because these clothes will directly impact the gameplay.
If you want to rob, it is better to be a difficult to recognize, rather than having beautiful noble clothes. Conversely, you will not be able to access the high spheres dressed in rags. So provide the outfit according to your actions.
Likewise, think of body hygiene! Indeed, you will have a trough in all the villages where you can wash. Do it regularly, otherwise your smell or traces of blood or earth may negatively affect your conversations.
The basics of KCD2 fight
The fight is an important element of KCD2, and it is based on several key elements. The first is endurance, which will decrease each time you are going to deal with and attack. Be careful not to find yourself in short, otherwise you will be defenseless.
When a green shield appears, it is that an enemy will launch an attack. Press the parade button and you will see a blue sword appear. She tells you that you will then have the right to launch a response, even if your enemy can in turn parry it.
Finally, you will see a rosette with a red line and the other yellows. This red line, you can move it and it will determine where you will launch the attack. The idea will be to vary the approaches, in particular depending on the posture of the defender, to prevent the latter from adorning you all your blows.
Any battle is not always good to take!
We have just seen the basics of combat together, but know that the opponents are not all equal. Some will quickly become anecdotal like wolves, but others remain dangerous as long as you are not a minimum equipped.
To do this, just use your eyes. If you see a bandit alone, in rags with a shop, you can suspect that it will be quite simple to defeat it, even at the start of the game. Conversely, if you come across an enemy in full armor, it will already be more difficult.
Even worse, the scenario where you fight several enemies at the same time. If these are a minimum equipped, this may be quite complicated to manage before you have equipment yourself. You can try the cunning, especially via a remote weapon, but keep in mind that some optional fights are not always good to take!
Facilitate the fight on KCD2
Last tip with regard to the fight, a diagram that we offer to apply to do a maximum of damage as quickly as possible. Start by equipping an arc on a slot and the hand-to-body weapon of your choice on the second.
Start the fight at a distance by pulling an arrow. This will make him go to you, go back and continue to shoot him as long as he has not reached you. This should allow you to start the fight with two or three arrows affected.
From the moment it is on you, store the arc, it will no longer be useful to you, and continue the fight in a traditional way. This technique, although it is not the most “fair play”, is very effective, especially when you start on the game.
Take what the wolves offer you on KCD2!
Another very useful advice at the start of the game: Take advantage of wolves! Indeed, regularly, while strolling, you will come across corpses along the road. If they are naked as worms, they have come across bandits and you can go your way.
If they, however, seem like not to have been looted, then it is surely that a wolf settled their account for them. If there is no one in the surroundings, take the opportunity to recover their possessions of value, which you can resell, or else directly from the Groschens if they have them.
Be careful, it is clear that you have to do this by ensuring that no one sees you. It seems that plundering corpses by the road is rather poorly seen in the world of KCD2, and it is therefore better not to be caught.
Dry your food and plants on KCD2
Another very important point: collection of resources, whether plants for alchemy or food. The problem is that these resources will tend to rot. To avoid this, use the dryers and the smokings that you will be able to find everywhere in the villages.
Not only will this allow you to keep these resources longer before they rot, but for food, for example, it will make it more efficient and also more expensive if you ever want to resell it. So do not deprive yourself!
Beware of the time you put to make the quests!
KCD2 is a game that wants to be realistic, and this is felt in particular in terms of quests. In a classic RPG, we tend to stack them and flutter. Do this on this game and you may have unpleasant surprises, time really spending.
Thus, if some NPCs are in a delicate situation and ask you for help, too long can make sure that the quest fails. Likewise, if you are asked to join a certain place, if you delay too much, the NPCs will eventually leave without you.
In short, if you make an important quest and the request suggests that if you do not quickly do what is required, things could go wrong, do it right away. This will prevent you from recharging part of the hours.