With the war bond “Diener der Freiheit”, a new content update for “Helldivers 2” will soon be released. Among other things, it contains additional explosive weapons, tactical gadgets and handsome armor.
Der buy-shooter „Helldivers 2“ has received several updates since its publication in February 2024, which next to new opponents also introduced the warbond system “Urban Legends”. Now the developer Arrowhead Game Studios has another content update via Playstation Blog announced.
In the article, it is referred to as “war bond” as usual and bears the name “servant of freedom”. The update is scheduled to appear on February 6, 2025 and of course bring even more destruction over the opponents of over-earth. In addition, she even gives the players a mini-atomic bomb in the hand.
In addition, the “directed democracy” will also be defended with hand grenade launchers, exploding mini drones and a new “martyr mechanics”. That means: The player explodes after his death and lets his enemies explode. You can find out what else “servant of freedom” provides practical fighter utensils in the overview below.
This contains the war bond “servant of freedom” for Helldivers 2
New weapons and gadgets:
B-100: Portable hell bomb
- Backpack bombthat can be activated by the player or his teammates.
- With a 10-second timer that cannot be stopped-so flee in time.
Las-17: double-edged Sickle
- Overheatable laser riflethat not only burns opponents, but also the shooter.
GP-20 Ultimatum (Granatenpistole)
- Handy grenade weapon for close combat.
- Can “free” both the enemy and the player, that is, be fatal. So be careful.
G-50 seekers (explosion drone)
- Little dronerecognizes the opponents and explodes near them.
- Can be attached to marked enemies like a “mini-cross drone”.
New armor and skills:
IE-3 martyrs and IE-12 editality (medium-sized tanks)
- Design with robe and cloak elements.
- Passive ability “Integrated explosives”: If the player dies, then he explodes and tears the opponents around him to the next life.
- Helmets with masks For the unshakable fight against the enemies of over-earth.
- Can be combined with the Fre-Liberam and per-democrasum cladding.
- Player title: “Service of freedom”
- “Lift up weapon” cheering: Should show the loyalty to the player for the directed democracy.
Connection of the update:
- Requires the base game “Helldivers 2”.
- Must be activated with over-credits (in-game currency).
- Some content is only available after a specific progress progress.
Here you can find out all the highlights of the new patch 01.002.101 for “Helldivers 2”:
In “Hellt Divers 2”, teams of up to four players carry out in procedural -generated Level missions; They have to fight against entire hordes of opponents. A fun function of the game is the requirement of powerful equipment and skills from the orbit, the arrival of which the players can literally overlook. In addition, friendly fire is always activated, which requires strategic planning and communication in the team.
Further reports on Helldivers 2.
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