Former Vice President Platinumgames Hideki Kamia, now working on Okami 2, released a video in which he confirmed the departure of several leading studio employees.
The studio left:
Masaki Yamanaka is an anarchy reigna designer, Yusuke Miyata – Bayonetta 3 Gamdirector, Ababe Tinari – Bayonetta Origins Gamdaret Director: Cereza and the Lost Demon. Kenji Saito is a gamdirector of Metal Gear Riding: Revengeance, Takahisa Taura – Astral Chain Gamdirector,
Platinumgames has not yet given official comments, but rumors about mass care appeared in 2023. It is known that Abbe Tinari moved to Housemarque (Returnal), and the fate of the rest is still unknown.
Kamia called for supporting the bygone developers, emphasizing that it was people who create games, and their work will continue.
Games are created by people. Wherever they go further, they will do what they can best … wait for their new projects!