Users are unlikely to notice that something has changed.

Openai company for the first time in its history I rebranded. Openai changed the logo and stylistics, but users of its products are unlikely to notice something: the changes cannot be called large.
The OpenAi logo has changed slightly (the rest it looks like before), the company switched to the use of the Openai Sans branded font. Probably the most noticeable part of it will be a perfectly round letter O.

Old and new Openai logos
Although outwardly, logos are very similar, Openai believes that the new version looks “more organic and human.” The logo lines became cleaner, and the space in the center increased slightly.
In a conversation with Wallpaper, Openai employees say that when creating a new identity, they almost did not use artificial intelligence: neural networks only slightly helped with fonts. Otherwise, the company relied on human designers.
An interesting point: the original Openai logo was invented by Sam Altman, the current head of Openai, and Ilya Sutkever, the former chief researcher of the company. Since then, Sutskever quit and opened his own AI-Startap.
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